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5 Mistakes New-Age Entrepreneurs Make

1. .Customer is the subject of your mastery

Not really! To know your customer is important, as is well known. But this ain’t an easy trail, as is not so well known!

Customers’ choices are dynamic beyond belief. To buy the idea that you know your customer thoroughly may not be a smart move afterall. Better is to research, interact, refer surveys and reports and then make any conclusions.

If you expect an end to it right there, don’t! The choices of customers are always wavering. That cannot be stopped. But measures to wave along must be done routinely and returns are then promised!

2. You have a unique idea and it should work

Eureka! You just thought of a very creative comb last night. But you will not sell the comb to a bald man! Would you? Of course your new comb can style the hairs automatically but don’t forget he is bald. Need is the mother of all inventions. So is the case of startups. You just cannot make any product and sell it anywhere. Timing to target your audience, to understand what they need right now is crucial. Very crucial indeed! In the business world, right step taken at the wrong place renders itself a blunder. The key is, don’t just create what you want but what people really need.

3. You are the Boss

Majority of the youth justify their interest in building a startup as a plot to avoid taking the orders of the bosses as in a job. Certainly, this thought is a pure myth. In business you need to listen and work according to the advices of the directors, the investors, regulators, suppliers and team members. Thereby, not basking in the glory of your own intellectual arrogance, you must fritter the tag of THE Boss in a startup.

We, at Startup Help Post take pleasure to serve as your guide from ideas to business. So when you’re in the run, we promise to put in efforts no less. So here, expect more than expected! Continue reading for another bonus 6th point in the list

4. You need to work 30 hours a day

Well, when 30 hours to fall in a day is impractical, so is taking its pressure! Startups tend to fall in the pressure of enormous amount of tasks, that the team starts giving it all the time they have in life. Key is not to give sufficient time but to give sufficiently productive results. As pointed out by David Hansson, “The marginal value of the last hour put into a business idea is usually much less than the first.”

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5. You must be a Master in the field to serve the best

The answer to that myth is the simple example of Steve Jobs who revolutionised the Computer industry without a mite of knowledge in programming. But what he knew about design and marketing was sensational. So pick up your strengths, dress up your passion, dump your fears and believe our belief that YOU CAN ACHIEVE GREAT HEIGHTS!!