Search intent is the basic motive behind a person’s enquiry on the internet.
Why search intent is important?
Knowing the objective of the audience searching about a particular topic helps in boosting the audience or amount of traffic on your website. Also, it elevates the overall performance of SEO and Content marketing through the use of appropriate content and keywords chosen for particularly hitting the intended person’s mind. Search intent is one of the basic prerequisites for you to retain customers on your websites and increase the conversion rate of the audience. So, optimizing your content according to the audience’s needs is what gives you an edge over other websites.
Basically, 4 Types of search intent:
This type of search is intended at gaining information. People with this intent are inclined towards gathering information about a particular product or service of their interest. In today’s digital world, people generally prefer searching online and getting the appropriate information before making the final decisions on whether to buy a product or not. So, the main governing factor of your conversion rate is whether your content gets imprinted in the people’s minds with informational search intent or not. These type of searches includes keywords like *what is*, *how to*, *explain*.
People with navigational intent usually have a particular site in their mind while searching. It doesn’t provide a substantial amount of traffic to your website if your site is not the site people are looking for.
People searching with commercial intent are the ones who are thinking of taking an action like buying a particular service or product in the near future but want to survey online and get more information about the product. People with commercial intent are the most vulnerable target audience for increasing the conversion rate if you can convince them enough about the quality of the product they’re looking for on your site because they are already prone to buy the same. Commercial intent keywords usually include *reviews*, *best product*.
People who have already planned to buy something are the ones who search on the web with transactional intent. These are the main key to your money-making process. All you need is a *login form* or *buy this* button to persuade them to use your service or product and enhance your growth rate. This includes keywords like *buy*, *deal* etc.
Search intent is useful as it can help you create effective website content, meta-data, and ads and boost your conversion rates and sales and lower bounce rates. So, if you’re still not into the optimization of your site’s content, start now!
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